Thursday, January 14, 2016

Would Iran have done this when Ronald Reagan was President?

Yesterday, US Sailors were captured by Iran, pictured here at gunpoint, held captive, and forced to "Apologize". A few months ago, President Obama signed his nuclear deal with Iran. The Next Day the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, called for "Death to America!" The "deal" with Iran, we have to give them 24 hours notice before an inspection, for example. We are told we must trust them. Iran is a state sponsor of terror murders, and their leaders have for decades continued to say they want us dead. They have demonstrated their resolve to see this through with their actions. In a few days, we are set to release to Iran some $100+ Billion in frozen money as a result of lifting sanctions on Iran via Pres. Obama's nuclear "deal." The Iranian government apparently had no fear or stirring American opposition when they captured our sailors, confiscated their weapons, forced them to apologize on camera, an enormous humiliation to America. Iran will use this incident to show all the Arab world in the region that America is a paper tiger, not to be feared. Our leaders went out sheepishly thanked Iran for the release.

MY QUESTION: Which party in this relationship, the United States of America, or the Islamic Republic of Iran, appears as the strong one?

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