Every set of facts is communicated via a narrative, or story line. This is normal and how every human shares anything with others. The recent capture of two United States Navy boats and ten U.S. Sailors is a perfect example. The basic facts are not that numerous: U.S. Navy boats apparently entered Iranian waters. Iran stopped the boats, and under threat of fire, took the US Sailors into custody, confiscated their weapons, took pictures and video of them on their hands and knees, then showed them eating, the female sailor now wearing and Islamic head-covering. About a day later, after talks between the countries, our Sailors and boats were returned, but not before an U.S. Navy Officer gave an on camera apology to Iran.
The narrative in which the facts are shared reveals the point of view, or bias, of the sharer, in this case the news organization.
The major U.S. News outlets shared that the Obama Administration praised the newly strengthened diplomatic ties between the US and Iran for the speedy return of our sailors. This was the point made by Secretary of State John Kerry in speaking about the release. Secretary Kerry thanked Iran for releasing the sailors.
Was it necessary for Iran to capture of our sailors, video taping them on their knees, hands behind their heads, under submission to Iran, Iranian sailors going through all the U.S. Navy guns and ammo? Why did Iran do it at all, and do it this way? Was it to show that Iran is the emerging power in the Gulf region and the United States is a paper tiger, unwilling to use it's massive military?
These questions were not asked in the BigMedia reports I've seen or read. Mostly I've seen summaries of the statements of Sec. Kerry, praising how the new Nuclear Deal has strengthened relations and quickened the release of the sailors. Vice-President Biden said on the day is broke that the boats apparently had engine trouble and that the Iranians were just showing "standard nautical practice." I've met several boats that were broken down and towed them in, and I've never had them kneel at gunpoint and shot humiliating video of them surrendering, being disarmed and made to apologize.
The Major US News Outlets all claim a neutral, or objective position, not favoring liberal nor conservative points of view or leaders.
We all have opinions and points of view. This is totally normal and healthy. I know I have mine and and proud of them. That's why I'm a champion of #FreedomIsBetter.
I believe that Freedom is not well served when underlying biases remain concealed and denied.
That's why I'm working to filter the discussions through a Freedom lens, which will help us uncover the Narrative-Point-of-View embedded within the news, and see if a bias for freedom, or for more government, for example, is contained within them.
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